Local & nATIONAL work

Luke 14:23-24
And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.

Our local mission vision comes from the commission given for the last stages of the local work before the wedding supper. Our gifts and resources in the church are being geared towards this effort.

  • We are writing and composing songs for the streets to create the right atmosphere in the community.
  • We have a video and graphics team developing skills to produce multimedia material for the highways and hedges.
    Click here to listen or watch some of our music.
  • We have teams that fast and pray for healing and deliverance from spiritual attacks to prepare the ground for other ministerial gifts to plant the seed of the Word in the local harvest fields.
  • The greatest resource we have in the local field is divine love.

The Inside Man 53-1212
E-45 And that Jehovah God that created all those things brought Hisself down to live in the heart of you and I. Before He did, He had to clean His road. He had to show them law and commandment. Then He had to come down and show them love, and then break His way right in the heart of man. And now God is in us. That’s right.

Now, we are His hands on earth. We are His eyes on earth. We are His Gospel on earth. And the Gospel is not altogether by the Word. The Word made manifest is the Gospel. The Gospel come not in Word only, but through power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit. “Go ye into all the world and demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit to all the nations.” Now, instead of that, we begin to teach theology.

Speak To The Rock 53-0512
E-5 Now, the Gospel is not altogether the Word. This is the Word of God, and all things must be based upon this Word. If it isn’t, it isn’t true. This is… But Jesus said, “Go ye in all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Now, He did not say “Teach the Word,” He said, “Preach the Gospel.”

So the Gospel consists more than teaching the Word, for Paul, confirming that, said, “The Gospel came to us, not in Word only, but through power.” Demonstrations of the Holy Spirit would come and demonstrate the Gospel, bring the Word to a living reality.