International work

Matthew 24:14 
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world
for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.


Our vision for this work has been developed by revelation of the Word. It is not a matter of getting a world map and pointing to a country to go to. Neither would we follow every invitation we get to go and minister. It is a burden that the Lord would place on our heart.
Just like the apostle Paul would hear the Macedonian call (Acts 16:9-10). When we have a burden to go to a certain location, we pray and ask the Lord for direction. Once we are sure that it is the will of the Lord, the ministry will go to that country, supported by the prayers of the saints.


There are natural and spiritual aspects of our mission work. Natural aspects might involve physical labour, for example helping to erect a church building or helping to clean up in areas where natural disasters occurred. Over the years we have also raised funds for the mission work. Some of what included fundraising events such as ongoing catering done by members of the local fellowship. Other funds were received by donations from gifted givers.  Far greater though than to help naturally is our burden to see souls born into the kingdom of God. Just like in the local arena, the work in the mission fields involves many aspects of ministry. We believe that the five-fold ministry has been sent for the perfecting of the saints (Ephesians 4:11-12). Therefore our work is not just based around evangelism (causing a sinner to repent) but also to do the work of an apostle (establish churches) and teaching (positionally place members in the body). Our goal is to see a church become established in such a way that they can function by utilising their own resources and not having to rely on an overseas ministry.


There are many challenges to face when working in the mission fields. Hours of traveling (many times on very rough roads), weather conditions and foods that the body might not be used to, could perhaps be viewed as one of the minor challenges to overcome. Facing witch doctors in places like PNG and legal authorities in places like Vietnam where Christianity is illegal, is where faith is put to the test and would show whether the revelation we hold is built on solid rock. 




Over the years we have been traveling to several countries; sometimes more than once a year to the same location. Here are a list of the countries that the ministry has been to and many of them still currently is going to:

Myanmar (Burma)
PNG (Papua New Guinea)
Solomon Islands
South Africa


The greatest reward of our efforts in the mission field is to see the salvation of souls and people going all the way to perfection. We also treasure the way that God comes and confirms that we are fulfilling His will. Without Him we could not accomplish anything in the mission field. The Lord has come on the scene supernaturally in so many different ways. We have witnessed uncountable times of healings and miracles, some of what examples are people being delivered from AIDS, cancer, crossed eyes, crippled, blind; just to mention a few. The supernatural has also been  reflected in the ministry of the Word. For example, when we go into a certain location and don’t know any of the people or circumstances there, the Word would unfold in such a way to precisely expose and deal to the circumstance and also to meet the needs of the people. 


We are motivated by love to go and reach out to souls in the mission fields. The harvest is ripe and the labourers are few. We will continue the work until the Lord comes 
(1 Thessalonians 4:17 / 1 Corinthians 15:52).

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